Posts in Health Accountability
Are You Conditioned?

Before you answer the question in the heading, you will first have to identify what I mean by Conditioned as it relates to Fitness and Health. Too often when I engage people about the subject of getting healthy or in shape, I find that they have not clearly defined what being healthy looks like for their lifestyle. Aside from clinical biomarkers such as blood pressure, A1c blood sugar test, cholesterol levels etc. (which are important to determine the impact of your fitness program), the question is how would the reality of being physically conditioned add to your current lifestyle? In other words, what would you be able to do when in peak condition that you couldn’t do at your current fitness level?

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The Intrinsic Nature of Mood & Food

The link between mood and food is intrinsic. Almost every vitamin and mineral is responsible for mental stability – and symptoms such as fuzziness, fatigue, irritability, tension, anxiety, nervousness and depressed feelings can all result from poor dietary choices.

The good news is that there are easy and inexpensive measures we can all take - at work and at home - to reduce and avoid those icky side-effects of a food hangover.

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7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Weekends

Weekends are meant to be cherished; each one of us wants to have a superb weekend. We work for the whole week and make plans about how to have a good weekend but when the weekend is approaching all our ideas collapse in the chaos of work. In this competitive world, successful people know that a well spent weekend is essential to great performance during the week. Everyone wants to have a refreshing weekend so that they can start their Monday with extra passion and energy. So here are some tips on how to make the most out of your weekends.

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How to Survive Christmas Party Season

It’s that time of year again and it appears the recession is well and truly over as the diaries fill up with parties and events over the next month just like they used to during the good old days. Fantastic news for the economy in general but not such good news for your liver or your energy levels. Christmas Day and the days around it are often a write off for many of us with food, booze and powerful bouts of laziness top of the agenda for the vast majority. Not a whole lot wrong with that, it is the festive season after all. What if we took our foot off the gas just a little bit in the run up to it though? Do you think that might help?

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Get Fit, Eat Clean, Detox Your Mind

Halloween is upon us this weekend but even before the costumes and pumpkins disappear from the shelves we'll be bombarded with advertising for a new season and talk of the parties and nights out that the festive season has in store. November 1st isn't just the start of the Christmas countdown this year though. It's also the first day of the 30 Day Healthy Living Challenge!

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My 30 Day Healthy Living Challenge - November 2016

Drum roll please! I'm launching an online health and wellness program. It's called the 30 Day Healthy Living Challenge. I've been writing, blogging and vlogging here at Office Worker Health for two years providing quality free content every single week. This will be my first paid offering so I'm incredibly excited to tell you all about it. It starts very soon on November 1st so check out all the information below and get yourself signed up, if you are committed to the plan then I can guarantee you will see results in 30 days!

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How To Use Mobile Apps To Improve Your Health

Look all around you nowadays and you will see people glued to their mobile devices. Studies show that our dependence on phones in particular contributes to obesity and other health related issues. On the plus side, there are plenty of ways to use a smartphone to improve our health. Knowing how to use your phone to improve your health can make it easier than ever before to become a healthier and happier version of you.

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Help Me Help You - Online Survey

I've got some exciting plans on the next steps for Office Worker Health and I'd like your help in confirming the exact direction. The questionnaire below shouldn't take any more than 5 or 10 minutes to complete but it will go a long way to help me understanding how best to move forward. If you've been enjoying the free content that I've been providing every week for the last 18 months or even if you're new to the Office Worker Health blog, please take some time to complete the survey as accurately as possible. I really appreciate your time and I look forward to analysing the results and sharing with you my vision for Office Worker Health over the coming weeks and months!

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30 Day Challenge – Part 2 –Nutrition

I’ve documented the exercise plan for my challenge. I’m happy with the mix of resistance training and cardio. Exercise is critical to my success in this challenge however nutrition will play an equally important role. My old gym had a sign on the wall saying ‘You can’t out-exercise a bad diet’ and I think that sums up the relationship perfectly.

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30 Day Challenge – The Idea

I’m a big believer in setting yourself a fitness challenge in order to keep you motivated to exercise. It’s important to have health and fitness goals to work towards. I completed my epic cycle around Ireland 4 weeks ago and I’ve been in limbo exercise wise since then as I’ve had no specific target to aim for.

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