Posts tagged fitness program
3 Ways to Remove Boredom From Your Workouts

Who here loves running on the treadmill?

Didn’t think so.

A major reason many people can't stick to an exercise regimen is because they don't enjoy the actual act of exercising. Some people dread it and others just find it very boring. Not sure why, because robotically staring at a screen while you run in the same spot for 60 minutes can be thrilling.

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is a form of workout in which you give all out, 100% effort through fast, intensive bursts of exercise, followed by shorter, sometimes active, recovery periods. Training in this way will get and maintain your heart rate up while burning more fat in less time than a typical workout.

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Get Fit, Eat Clean, Detox Your Mind

Halloween is upon us this weekend but even before the costumes and pumpkins disappear from the shelves we'll be bombarded with advertising for a new season and talk of the parties and nights out that the festive season has in store. November 1st isn't just the start of the Christmas countdown this year though. It's also the first day of the 30 Day Healthy Living Challenge!

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