Posts tagged healthy breakfast
Weekend Breakfast: Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs

My favourite weekend breakfast choice has to be smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. I don’t usually have time to make eggs before work during the week, I usually go for porridge or a breakfast smoothie instead, however I make sure to allow time at the weekend to enjoy this healthy breakfast recipe. 

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Breakfast Berry Boost Smoothie Recipe

The morning can be a busy time but it's essential that we prioritise a healthy breakfast as part of our morning routine, no matter what the day holds in store. If you're really pressed for time and you need to eat on the go then give my breakfast berry boost smoothie a try. It only takes a few minutes to prepare in the Nutribullet Pro and the best part is you can take it with you on your commute and sip away at it in the car, on the bus or on the train. 

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Healthy Breakfast Ideas #1 – Porridge Oats Recipe - My Morning Energy Boost

Ever wondered how to make porridge properly? Your long and fruitless search is over! I’m a huge porridge fan as I’ve spoken about before. If done properly, I don’t think there’s a healthier breakfast. I certainly don’t know one that’ll give you the mix of complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and nutrients not to mention the slow release energy that my simple porridge oats recipe provides. Perfect for when you have a busy morning ahead.

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Sustainable Weight Control – Nutrition and Observation

Two weeks ago I spoke about my approach to Sustainable Weight Control by using a project from my Sports Nutrition course as a case study. In that blog I introduced my client (John Doe, sedentary office worker), highlighted the metrics I used to reach daily nutritional/calorie requirements for John and documented an exercise routine I designed for him. In this article I want to complete the sustainable weight control plan by highlighting the nutrition targets I set for John and discussing continued observation and monitoring of the overall plan.

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10k Race Day Nutrition Guide

As part of my Sports Nutrition diploma, I was tasked with compiling a menu for an individual competing in a 10 kilometre race. The focus was on pre, during and post event nutrition. I created an imaginary client, John Doe, and detailed the full optimal nutritional support for John for the evening before and the day of the race. This full nutritional support includes proper nutrient loading for performance and recovery, and optimal fluid consumption. I assumed John to be a regular office worker with the intention of sharing this as a case study on the site and in the hope that anyone reading it could get some value from the plan the next time they are preparing for a 10k race (the plan can be tweaked for shorter or longer distances). Here’s what I submitted, if you do take any of this advice for an upcoming race then please let me know how you get on!

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The Breakfast of Office Champions

We all have different likes and dislikes when it comes to food, however here’s a few golden rules for breakfast that everyone should adhere to no matter what they do but particularly if they have a long day at the office ahead of them.

1         Never skip breakfast

2         Eat before you leave home, don’t wait until you get to the office

3         Eat something healthy and ideally wholegrain so you’ll get a slow release of energy throughout the morning.

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