Posts in Healthy in Brazil
Overnight Flights - My Healthy Travel

I spoke in a previous blog about Healthy Tips for Long Haul Journeys and my vlog today is on a related theme. I recently returned to Ireland from Brazil in a journey that took me 3 flights and about 22 hours. I tried to complete the long haul trip in as healthy a manner possible while also staving off any possible jet lag.

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Gym Wars - Ireland v Brazil

I've been fortunate enough to spend time in gyms in both Ireland and Brazil recently and I've come to notice some interesting differences. The Brazilian model wins without question for me. It’s important to note I haven’t travelled the length and breadth of both countries researching this (interesting idea though). I'm basing my argument on about 10 gyms I've frequented in recent years in the Dublin area versus a couple of gyms in Rio de Janeiro and a handful more around Florianopolis in the south of Brazil.

So what makes the Brazilian approach win out?

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Sticking To Your Goals

I was feeling incredibly excited and energetic at the start of the year. I’d set my fitness and nutrition goals for 2016, chief among them being my target of exercising five times a week. I was ready to hit the ground running from the beginning of January and make 2016 my healthiest year on the planet to date! It all started so well on New Years Day with a tough trek through forest, farmland and mucky trails in the hills outside Florianopolis. Nothing better to shake off the lethargy and mild hangover on the first day of the year.

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Merry Christmas from Brazil

Hello from Florianopolis everyone! A very short post this week to wish all my family, friends and followers a very Happy Christmas. We flew to Florianopolis on Thursday after an amazing 6 weeks in Rio de Janeiro. I’ve been to Brazil for New Years a few times before and that’s a really big deal but this will be my first time to celebrate Christmas in this part of the world.

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Going Loco Down in Copacabana

Office Worker Health has gone international. I have taken a four month leave of absence from my employer in Ireland (parental leave) to spend some quality time with my daughter and partner and visit her family in Brazil! We flew out last Tuesday and have made Rio De Janeiro our home for the next six weeks. After that we’ll head down south to Florianopolis to see the in-laws in time for Christmas and New Year.

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