Office Worker Health

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Workplace Wellness Ireland - Our First Meet Up

It feels like we are on the crest of a wave with workplace wellness in Ireland. Lots of companies are talking about it, millenials are specifically seeking out employers with wellness programmes in place and three healthy workplace accreditations are being launched on the island of Ireland within the space of twelve months.

There was a gaping hole though. Where could an Irish employer go to find out where to start with a wellness programme or how to improve one? How could they learn from Irish companies that have developed successful programmes? Where could they hear about mistakes made and lessons learned? Who could best support their organisation’s specific needs in this area? 

Workplace Wellness Ireland Community

Thankfully that gaping hole is being filled by the Workplace Wellness Ireland community. The community is a network for professionals working to promote health and wellbeing in Irish workplaces.

The idea is to bring together those working directly in workplace wellness in Ireland, senior leaders and HR professionals tasked with wellness promotion in their organisations and anyone that is passionate about making their workplace a healthier place to be. The goal is to steer the collective ship in the right direction and ensure we are not looking back on workplace wellness as a passing fad in ten years time.

Our First Meet Up

Our very first meet up is taking place on Tuesday September 4th from 6pm to 8pm at the Bank of Ireland in Grand Canal Dock in Dublin and if you fit any of the criteria above then you are welcome to join.


I’m excited to announce that the speakers for our September 4th event are Jim Kirwan and Caroline McGuigan.

Jim is a best selling author, international speaker, a health and wellbeing coach and consultant and an FCIPD. After spending 13 years in the USA, he recently returned to Ireland where he hosted Ireland's first strategic wellbeing conference called "FIT-CEO Optimum Performance" and chaired the Citywork Dublin wellbeing conference. In response to the growing need for managers to walk the wellbeing talk, he created his proprietary management training program called FIT-MGR Managers On The Move.

Caroline is a psychotherapist, mental health advocate, group facilitator, activist and founder of the charity Suicide or Survive. SOS works with individuals and businesses to educate, inform and inspire people to cultivate good mental health and reduce stigma. Caroline’s vision is to approach mental health differently, a vision that puts the power and responsibility back in the hands of the individual.

Make Friends, Not Contacts

As well as the wonderful speakers, the event will be a fantastic opportunity to meet new people that are passionate about wellness in Irish workplaces. There will be a chance to share experiences, to ask questions and to brainstorm future ideas. With this in mind I’ve allowed plenty of time for chatting and networking on the evening.


You can register for the event here. Please only register for the event if you know you can make it as space is limited.

We kick off at 6pm and I look forward to seeing you on September 4th.

You can join the Workplace Wellness Ireland group on LinkedIn so you can engage with the community as well as staying updated on this event and our future meet ups.

Yours in health,


P.S I love talking about health and wellbeing so drop me a line to discuss any of the above. I'd be happy to support you or your business with their wellness objectives.

The Low Down

Brian Crooke is a wellness consultant and speaker empowering employers and employees to make their workplaces healthier places to be. He is the founder of Office Worker Health.

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