Office Worker Health is 1
Office Worker Health is officially one year old! I published my first ever blog on February 18th last year. Thanks to everyone that’s read, written, commented, shared and supported me along the way; I’ve enjoyed every second of the journey I must say. The objective of the site is to promote health and wellbeing amongst sedentary people and a year on I’m even more passionate than ever about spreading that message. I’m learning more and more about health, fitness and nutrition every day and if you follow this blog then I know you are too.
To celebrate the first birthday I’ve updated the site with a sexy new look and feel and a brand spanking new logo. I’m bursting with ideas on where to go next with the site, the possibilities are endless. With your help I know Office Worker Health can grow into something really special that can inspire many more people to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Sexy new logo
I shared my first vlog last week with Healthy Tips for Long Haul Travel and video is something I plan on doing a lot more of from now on. In fact that vlog was the first in my Healthy Travel vlog series. Continuing on from that, this week I’m vlogging about my time in Montevideo and how I tried to make it a healthy few days in the city. If you’re looking to stay healthy while on holiday or while backpacking then you’ll be interested in the below video. I can also thoroughly recommend Uruguay as a travel destination so that’s something else to consider while watching my Uruguay vlogs. Enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by the blog and for helping be a part of the Office Worker Health journey this year. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback in the comment section below. Be sure to check back every single Wednesday for a brand new blog or vlog. Next week I’ll be continuing my journey north through Uruguay.
Yours in health,